• RADIO INTERVIEW - now live. Below is the link to this weeks interview I did on Conscious Thought with Leo this past week. Magdalena and I had a great time sharing thoughts on the Voice Vortex Energies, Songwriting, my new releases and the role music and voice has in creating world peace. Share the love. <3
    #VocieVortex #ReclaimYourVoice #WeHaveAChoice

  •  "Conscious Thought with Leo" with Magdalena Winkler and guest  Kara Johnstad, known as a Voice-Visionary, Singer-Songwriter and Mentor to Voices Changing Our Word. As a top voice expert Kara has helped thousands with her "breakthrough" voice techniques to open their voices in a record amount of time, and she is sharing with us the secrets behind this powerful instrument. Spreading love, healing, and joy, inner peace and beauty through the power of words, music and voice.


  • I call Kara Johnstad a Voice Magician, since she is turning around the myth about voice and making it so easy, effortless, yet so powerful... thank you again, Kara, you are a great gift to the world.

    Much love, Magdalena Winkler