Kara Johnstad
Think about it. How do we express ourselves?
How do we release and find ease in our lives to flow with what is? And when we feel stuck, what do we do? Watch yourself.
What do you do when you feel tense?
Do you go to the phone and have a deep share with a friend? Do you vent? When you feel tight, do you grumble and grunt? Do you swallow it all down and slap on a smile? Do you distract yourself with TV and emails and avoid feeling?
When you feel joy, do you giggle and laugh? When you feel empowered do you shout one big WOOO HOOO? How do you express yourself in sound?
How are you using your voice in all its many colors? From saying thank you to the cashier at the checkout line to asking directions from the bus driver to whispering "I love you" softly into the ears of your beloved.
The voice not only releases power, but it can direct
energy out into the world and into certain points
in our body.
The voice is there as a communicator and as a healer.
It integrates and releases blocked energy, so that we
can stay at ease and in flow with our lives.
Laurel Elizabeth Keyes wrote in her book "Toning,"
Toning is an escape valve for pain, because it breaks
up the tension which we label pain, and brings new
life energy to that place. It is an inner sonar massage.
The voice re-connects, re-arranges and brings us into
balance. But watch out, it can also bring us out of balance.
If we surround ourselves with noise or rhythms that are hectic and jarred or if we scream and vent with no connection
to what is happening inside, we can lose our center and harm ourselves and our environment.
The voice is a rare gift.
If we listen in, we will discover new found wisdom.
Dane Rudhyar,The Rebirth of Hindi Music.
This is why it is so important to understand how powerful your voice is. Words can heal and words can harm, sounds can heal and sounds can harm, the voice carries frequency and light into the world, and voice also penetrates our bones and skin and affects our organs.
Why can it be so powerful to practice toning and even more powerful to sing and tone in a group situation? Because not only are you re-balancing your own Mind-Body-System, you are helping to bring the room, your community, the world that you live in back into balance. And it is this inner peace and new way of listening and expressing yourself, that you carry with you every minute of each day.
This is why it is so important for me to serve and share with you how you, yourself, hold the keys to happiness and well being in your hand.
Truth is in your throat.
Each person has a unique fingerprint.
Each person carries a unique voiceprint.
Each and every one of us carries a unique spirit song.
At Voice Your Essence™ we gather and explore tapping into our own unique rhythm and sound prints through the use of powerful chants and healing tones. We work with adding tone to our visions, and melodies to our heartfelt prayers. We listen to the rhythms of our heart and voice our deepest dreams. We are explorers, sounding our inner landscapes.
We know that by bringing our inner worlds into harmony with our outer worlds, we are re-sounding with the universe at large. Things become easier. We receive new insights and inspirations. In this opening we can easily receive the gifts that have been given to us.
Here is an exercise you can work with and explore.
Share with me how it resonates within your body.
Come to a quiet place. Perhaps you lie on the carpet, or lie on a yoga mat. Bring awareness to your breathing and allow your breath to enter you and gently release. Feel a calmness arrive and continue gently breathing. Observe your breath but do not try to control it. Simply watch it go in and out and observe.
Allow a vowel sound to come to you. It might be an open sound like "Ah" or it might be a more narrow sound like "Eeeeeee."
Whatever vowel appears, allow it and let a tone come and be sung on the vowel which is revealing itself to you.
Do this a few days in a row.It might take a few days or a week of listening in to find the vowel that resonates with you and the tone that wants to be expressed.
If you feel that a certain tone is crystallizing, hold the tone and walk towards a piano or sing it into the recorder on your phone or use a pitch pipe to discover which tone it is.
Each day, arrive at this quiet place of self-discovery, and without checking the note beforehand, do the exercise.
Allow whatever vowel wants to be expressed to appear and allow a sound to be released naturally.
Afterwards, once again, check the note on the piano or use a pitch pipe or you can sing into a recorder, I use the audio memo app. on my smart phone.
Allow a few weeks of daily practice for this exercise.
After a few weeks of exploration, go to your pages or listen to the recordings and see if there is a certain tone and vowel that appears more often than the others.
Embrace this as being your own very special tone for this phase of your life. It is most likely the tone that will give you quick healing and relief if you have had a hard day at work or need to tap in and re-generate quickly.
Your own very special tone
will give you comfort and relaxation in times of stress
If you are a songwriter, you might want to explore writing in this key and creating melodies with the note being the midpoint.
Finding this tone is like finding a treasure. It works wonders. Just like everyone has a fingerprint, this is your unique sound-print and frequency; the note and frequency that will help you to tune out the noise and tune in and focus on the inner joys.
Here's to your continued success. Stay Gold!
May you have the courage to persevere and stay true to your inner voice and strongest vision.
P.S. Get ready for a valuable experience that opens your VOICE and your heart. Join our
Voice Your Essence™
7:30 to 9:30 P.M at Yoga Voice Berlin
120 Minutes of songs that empower and heal
Come add tone to your visions and melodies to your heartfelt prayers. Explore the rhythms of your heart and voice your deepest dreams. We are explorers, sounding our inner landscapes. Together we create concerts to celebrate the the NOW AGE.
Please do! Just be sure to include this complete blurb with it.
KARA JOHNSTAD IS KNOWN AS A VISIONARY, SINGER-SONGWRITER AND MENTOR TO VOICES CHANGING OUR WORLD Kara works with luminaries, healers, new thought leaders and creative conscious souls to realign their voice to their true calling. She gives them tools to raise their vibrational frequency and tap into an abundant field of creative energy. Kara's most downloaded songs are Message of Hope, Love Never Fails and Thank You. Passionate about transforming the world through voice, Kara is available for interviews, concerts, online sessions and training. Her monthly ezine goes out to 10.000 spirit driven souls and includes her Voice Your Essence Podcast. Join the community and experience how to align your body-mind-spirit system through voice. For free articles and teachings go to: www.karajohnstad.com
Image Credits:
Image: "Girl at Sea" by Sergey_Zoklin / www.unsplash.com
Image: "Mandela" by tmmcd / www.pixabay
Image: "Freedom" by Graur Razvan ionut / www.freedigitalphotos.net
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