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  • photo: GARY DOAK Alamy Stock Photo

  • Sharon Blackie – The Mythic Imagination

  • If women remember that once upon a time we sang with the tongues of seals and flew with the wings of swans, that we forged our own paths through the dark forest while creating a community of its many inhabitants, then we will rise up rooted, like trees. And if we rise up rooted, like trees … well then, women might indeed save not only ourselves but the world.

    ~ Dr. Sharon Blackie, award-winning author

  • Join Kara Johnstad and Sharon Blackie for a heartfelt conversation as they explore how we can reclaim our indigenous roots and return to a place of rooted wisdom. Discover the relevance of myth and fairy tales to our lives today, Learn to use myth for your own personal transformation. Sharon Blackie is not only a master of the art of storytelling, through sharing wisdom, she guides us to unleash our wild mind, open our passionate hearts, tap into our mythic imagination and RISE to a place of nourishment and connection. Hers is a passionate song, a rallying cry for women to reawaken their natural power – not just for the sake of their own wellbeing, but for the love of this threatened the earth.

    About the Guest
    Dr. Sharon Blackie is a writer of fiction and non-fiction and is recognized internationally for her work on cultivating the mythic imagination. She is a mythologist with a specialization in Celtic Studies, and a neuroscientist who has specialized both in neuroscience and narrative.