• Why are we singing for water? We are water. Our planet is water. Our body is comprised of water. The food we eat carries water. All One. Connected. Alive. One single drop yearning. Merging. Uniting. From creek to river in search of an ocean. The sun comes with her warmth and lifts the drops up to the sky as the clouds carry the rain to dry lands and the cycle continues. It is alive. A continuum. Just like a single tone spoken. A single melody sung.  It goes out and returns to a place of belonging. The river of life.
    So, yes. We sing for water. We sing for Llfe. We sing songs of praise for all that we honor. All that we rejoice in. All that we cherish.
    We give voice to LOVE. We give voice to PEACE. We are a piece of the divine. And water is a mighty big piece of ourselves.  
    Why are "activist"s often seen as radical? as against a system and not FOR life? For wellness? For humanity?
    Today I reflect on an article I read this morning entitled "Why We Are Singing For Waters at Standing Rock, in Front of Men with Guns and Surveillance Helicopters. See the link below. 
    Why is having the COURAGE to VOICE our need for balance and our clarity when we see injustice seen as threatening?
    "Activists" are passionately caring for OUR waters. Our forests. Our sky. Our clouds. Our freedoms. They care enough to dare to share their voice and not hold back. The dare for You - for your children - for US. Risking their lives. Standing in the cold. Facing Guns. Facing losing their jobs. They are active healers.  Healing the broken. Protecting the waters for US. JUSTICE. Just Us.  
    Watching friends gathering at Standing Rock and protesting the North Dakota Access Pipeline and thus protect the waters is empowering. And although I can not be there in person. I can stand with them in spirit. In heart. We can voice globally.  Only by uniting and raising the vibrations can we facilitate the shift needed for our planet. We have the power to move from destruction and genocide to wholeness. It is in born. We are one. 
    When we join together and SING in UNITY messages that UNITE us in our core values of honoring and cherishing what we are made of anchor a higher consciousness for our earth. 
    Join me. Dare to transform our world through your voice. Have the courage to care passionately. Have the courage to love fully. Have the courage to risk a bit more for what is right for our earth and her wellness. Share the stories that we are going through and celebrate these times of gathering.  By participating in any way that we feel called to do so, we are helping  to protect and support the "activists" who are on the front lines risking so much to be the VOICE of PEACE.
    We Have A Choice. 
    Starting October 16th I will begin weekly  Online Global Voice Activation and Alignments. Open your Channel. 
    For those in Berlin, come to Yoga Voice for weekly Voice Meditations and Singing Sessions. 

  • May you have the courage to persevere. Listen to your inner voice and bring it out into our world. Declare self-sovereignty.


    Please do! Just be sure to include this complete blurb with it.

    KARA JOHNSTAD IS KNOWN AS A VISIONARY, SINGER-SONGWRITER AND MENTOR TO VOICES CHANGING OUR WORLD Kara works with luminaries, healers, new thought leaders and creative conscious souls to realign their voice to their true calling. She gives them tools to raise their vibrational frequency and tap into an abundant field of creative energy. Kara's most downloaded songs are Message of Hope, Love Never Fails and Thank You. Passionate about transforming the world through voice, Kara is available for interviews, concerts, online sessions and training. Her monthly ezine goes out to 10.000 spirit driven souls and includes her Voice Your Essence Podcast. Join the community and experience how to align your body-mind-spirit system through voice. For free articles and teachings go to: www.karajohnstad.com

  • Photo Credits
    Foto: Water and Seagull by Kidizan Sane_Unsplash
    Foto: Kara Johnstad by Joerg Grosse-Geldermann