• Archive

  • Happy Birthday School of Voice

    One year ago, the School of Voice opened its doors. First of all, THANK YOU!!!  A huge CHEER goes out to our soulful compassionate teachers and a big SHOUT OUT to YOU, our talented and thriving community of over 300 singers, songwriters, writers, sound healers, and talented [...]

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    Voice as a Path

    The VISION that I carry for the SCHOOL OF VOICE goes beyond the entertainment industry. The vision is that we understand the importance of VOICE in all that we do. That on the path of self-realization and global enlightenment, the voice is central. It resonates through our core and beyond. It is [...]

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    Singing and Breath Live Stream  with Kara Johnstad

    Hi everyone,  The live stream on facebook this past week is on Singing and Breath. This week I share with you an exercise on the role the breath plays in our singing and speaking tone. This basic truth is a mindset shift for many.  Besides the pleasure, you will have in producing fuller [...]

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    Create a Sonic Diet Plan with Kara Johnstad

    Hi beautiful souls,  The live stream this week is on how to create a sonic diet plan. Music can often make or break your day. Everything around has a pulse, a rhythm. Not only music. Our words have a rhythm and tone. The music we listen to has a rhythm and tone. Our heart has a rhythm and [...]

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    Manifesting Miracles  With Kara Johnstad

    TODAY'S TOPIC is manifesting miracles. Yes, you can charge your words with love and intent and live in a heart-field where healing energy abounds.  On today's live stream you will earn to easily access the abundant creative field that surrounds you. Together with thousands of others, you can [...]

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    Today's livestream topic. Can your voice defy gravity? Is there an anti-gravitational force? What about the centrifugal force. Can we uplift our humanity via our voices? Can we shape-shift reality through the power of word? How does it work when I study voice online? When are your next Voice [...]

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    Why We Sing For Our Waters

    Why are we singing for water? We are water. Our planet is water. Our body is comprised of water. The food we eat carries water. All One. Connected. Alive. One single drop yearning. Merging. Uniting. From creek to river in search of an ocean. The sun comes with her warmth and lifts the drops up to [...]

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